Sunday, January 27, 2008

And You Thought Life Is Short as it Is.

Joelle and I were having a discussion about the mundane thing we do everyday and got to thinking about how much time we spend in our lives doing them. Which became a whole mathematical calculation based on very general assumptions, with numbers scribbled down and tallied up on a napkin at cafeteria table during lunch. We ended up being freaked out by how we end up spending our time LIVING or NOT LIVING your life. But it did put things into perspective.

Let's assume that average lifespan is 70 years regardless of gender.

On average (and in very general terms):

I sleep on average of 8 hours a day = 8517 days in a lifetime
I brush our teeth for 6 minutes a day = 106 days in a lifetime
I have a shower for 10 minutes a day = 177 days in a lifetime
I pass motion (No.1 & 2) for 8 minutes a day = 142 days in a lifetime
I take 4 minutes a day to select, dress and undress = 71 days in a lifetime

So far, in a lifetime, I would have spent 24.7 YEARS doing absolutely mundane things.

If one were to spend the same amount of time working in a job (which he/she sees as equally mundane) as sleeping , that would mean spending 48 years NOT LIVING.

This means, that if you love what you do for a living, you'd have 45.3 years to live your life. And if you despise your work and workplace, you'll only get 22 years to live your life.

This isn't even including things like eating, waiting at traffic lights, waiting for your toast to pop up from the electric toaster, etc etc etc.. You could easily do the math and find out that even MORE time is spent on idle things. But I consider eating something enjoyable, hence being part of 'Living'.

By LIVING, I mean enjoying the pleasures of life :
- Spending quality time with loved ones
- Eating
- Having sex
- Traveling
- Shopping
- Discovering new things

Life is short! And we make it shorter having mundane things fill our lives.

So our conclusion was to stop brushing our teeth. It would give us an extra 106 days to LIVE.

*lights up a cigarette*

ps. smoking a pack a day at 7 minutes per cigarette would take out 1775 days out of your "Living" time in a lifetime (assuming you start smoking at age 20). THAT'S 4.8 years!!!! @#$%^&@@#!!!!!!!

1 comment:

chiiiiing said...

i didn't know u had so many teeth!

i usually

sleep = 6 hours per day
brush teeth = 3 minutes a day (what can i say, small mouth)
shower = 20 minutes (including washing long hair urgh)
pass motion = 15 minutes (how do u guys do it so fast??? :P)
select, dress and undress = 30 minutes (GOODNESS!!!!)

see... looking at how my numbers fare with yours, i don't dare to get into detailed calculations :P